Thursday, May 25, 2006

What beats printing money?

93840 - Printing money is great, but the high risk is that the feds can come after you. So I guess we can all forget about printing money!

However, there is an activity that beats printing money. It's also extremely legit (no feds will come after you).

It's called the "art of cashflow design."

Let me explain.

Today, information allows us to create ANYTHING. (Read Thomas Friedman's The World is Flat for detailed info).

And technology (especially the Web, but also DVDs, telecome, etc.) allows us to reach ANYONE.

So if you can create anything and reach anyone, what's the main obstacle to you becoming RICH?

Cashflow design.

In other words, basic business skills and basic entrepreneurship skills.

Will gettting an MBA help? No. MBA stands for Master of Business Administration. MBAs are hired to run other people's business, they are not expected to CREATE any new business.

You need an MBC degree (Master of Business Creation). Of course, that degree doesn't exist yet.

However, it doesn't change the fact that more and more people are secretly learning the art of Business Creation.

That's what my BMW workshop is all about. I teach people the simplest way to view business and thoroughly understand what business is all about, so they can easily design "cashflows."

Some of my coaching clients have already seen the power of "cashflow design" as they've heard my ideas and are actually getting busy in creating and running new businesses that they did not think about before!


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