Sunday, April 30, 2006

1. S.Y.S.T.E.M.

The ultimate purpose of the BMW workshop is to help you create a money-making system.

A S.Y.S.T.E.M. means "Save Your Self Time, Energy & Money."

Most people who go into business, often start by offering professional services (graphic design, communications services, consulting, etc.) and this is good. They do what they do best.

But it's not enough to survive in business. You have to be able to create an impersonal system that supports your work. Michael Gerber wrote about such a system in his book The E-Myth.

For example, a website where prospects can fill out a form and type in their needs, goals, questions, etc. is one small system that works for you (even while you're sleeping!).

The idea is to create as many of those little systems as possible, so that you save time, energy and money.


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